It’s a complex process. Seeking support is nothing to be hesitant about. Try the online tools listed here. Each can help guide you through the academic writing process. And each will simplify the overwhelming areas of academic writing, such as annotated bibliographies and dissertations.
1. Grammar Girl
If you are in need of grammar assistance check out Grammar Girl’s “Quick and Dirty Tips”. The site allows readers to send in grammar questions and receive tailored suggestions. Visitors can search for specific topics and browse through various grammar subjects to find the help they need.
2. Purdue Online Writing Lab
The Purdue Online Writing Lab is a one stop shop for academic writers. The site contains 200 resources that will guide you through the writing process. Topics include grammar, research, mechanics, technical writing and style guides.
3. Dissertation Proposal Resources
Obtain dissertation or similar writing assistance with UC Berkeley’s Dissertation Proposal Resources. Graduate students and professors will both benefit from the categorized topics such as process and parameters, nuts and bolts, style and examples.
4. Harvard Guide To Using Sources
The proper use of sources is an important component to any piece of academic writing. This guide will show you how to find proper and reputable sources in relation to any topic and how to properly use them.
5. Purdue OWL's Four Main Components for Effective Outlines
Purdue OWL’s guide to writing a strong outline could be the difference between tightly structured writing and sloppy writing. Academic authors have no business being lazy with their work. The guide helps writers to discover appropriate examples and to find proper sources.
6. EssayMama's Writing Guide
Essaymama’s free writing guide can help any writer who is blocked. From creating an appropriate outline to researching and referencing materials, the site also offers professional assistance with editing and proofreading.
7. Dragon Naturally Speaking
This transcription tool is a paid service, but a highly useful one for academic writers. The software allows writers to dictate and send any document or email as well as search the web, all with voice recognition.
8. Writing and Presenting Your Thesis Or Dissertation
This extensive website features pretty much everything you could ask for in terms of academic writing. Writers will receive one on one suggestions and guidance through the entire writing process. From brainstorming and subject matter to preparing proposals and thesis or dissertation writing, any academic writer will likely benefit from the site.
9. Punctuation Made Simple
Learning the nuances of punctuation can be tedious. Even for the best writer or professor, the rules can fall through the cracks during editing. Punctuation Made Simple is a website that first lets you choose your area of question (colon, semicolon, comma, dash, or apostrophe) and proceeds to detail all uses. It’s a great refresher and proofreading guide for any author.
10. Clearer Writing
If your writing is unclear, then no amount of proper grammar or correct use of punctuation can save it. Clear writing is essential if you want to be taken seriously or successful as an academic writer. This website explains how to structure your work and helps you to convey profound ideas with clear sentences. The site also assists with incorporate information, when to limit or expand your vocabulary and how to formulate logical arguments.
These tools will help any academic author find success and enhance their productivity. First identify your weaknesses and then review the options. Try incorporating one of these resources next time you begin writing. They each can help you reach your highest potential.
Kenneth Waldman is a professional content writer with over 5 years of experience. His expertise includes education, marketing, freelancing.