Supplements that Benefit Brain Health
‘Nootropics’ is the term used to define supplements that have the potential of boosting brain health and memory. The term was coined by a chemist who set out specific requirements for a supplement or food to fit the bill. He stated that nootropics must improve learning or memory, protect the brain against chemical or physical injury, and have few or no side effects. Nootropic supplements and foods enhance the learning process through their powerful effect on neurotransmitters (including noradrenaline and dopamine). Different nootropics have a different effect on the brain, so it is important to make the right choice. The quality of supplements is also key. Any supplements you buy should be safe, concentrated enough to make a difference, and manufactured by a reputable company.
Which Nootropics Can Aid in Language Learning?
It is important to consult supplementation with your doctor to discuss issues like dosage, suitability, and compatibility with any other medication you may be taking. Some supplements you may mention include choline. The latter is often used to enhance learning and memory, and one study by scientists at the University of Granada found (in lab studies) that this nutrient did improve long-term memory and attention-holding capacity. Choline is actually found in eggs, chicken and beef liver, soy, and wheat germ, so that consuming these foods may be useful when you are studying and your memory needs to be in tip-top shape. Other useful supplements include Acetyl L-Carnitine (which enhances creativity – this might be useful when you are completing a creative piece for an ESL class); ginkgo biloba (which has been found to slow down the rate of cognitive decline); and 7-hydroxmitragynine (which is used to battle stress).
The Importance of a Healthy Diet and Sleep
If you follow a Mediterranean-style diet (packed with healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables, and healthy Omega-3-rich fats) and you make good sleep a priority, you may be able to reduce or do away with the need for supplementation. Studies have shown that cramming before an exam can lead to significantly poorer results, yet so many students continue to stay up late, and leave study for a few days before an exam. Create a study plan in the weeks leading up to an exam, dividing what you have to learn into specific chunks, completing a set number of these every day.
To ace your next ESL exam, tackle stress and nerves from a multifaceted perspective. Make time for exercise and stress-busting activities like meditation and controlled breathing, prepare yourself healthy meals, and make sure to get around eight hours of sleep a night. If you need a little help, ask your doctor about whether or not supplements are ideal for you and make sure to invest in quality products that will deliver the results they promise.
Author Bio: Karoline left her corporate job to spend more time with her family and indulge in her passions of writing and travel. She now works as a freelance writer, offering advice and tips on a range of topics.