Everybody has his or her own list of must-read or must-check books. However, there are some writing masterpieces that you cannot afford to leave out, especially if you are college student or if you plan to join college. Without much ado, here is a list of the top 5 books that will make any college path easier:
Zero to One by Peter Thiel
Thiel highlights how you can break free and be truly different by being committed to a unique vision. Perhaps the most important part for a would-be college student is the section about education, where Thiel criticizes the dangerous drive towards external validation and competitive achievement. The book challenges you to ask yourself questions about your unique vision and what can have control or monopoly over that nobody can replicate.
Excellent Sheep by William Deresiewicz
Deresiewicz argues for going to college, especially those colleges with face-time professors and small group seminars, but also favor doing gap years (whether formally or informally) and taking some time off during college and after college to maximize the period of freedom immediately after graduating to continue nurturing self-knowledge.
Influence by Robert Cialdini
This book provides a deep insight into how to interact and engage with people around you. So whether you will be looking for an internship or just to land your first job during the holidays, Influence offers very practical advice. You will be exposed to six universal principles on how to become a skilled persuader and how to defend yourself against different situations.
Major in Success by Patrick Combs
The book reaches out to undecided students in search of a major that best fit their life interests and career ambitions and shows near-graduating students how to bolster their CV and career profiles and ace the interview to land their first jobs after college. Combs also presents top innovative strategies for combating the 6 greatest fears that tend to hold students back.
How to Win at the Sport of Business by Mark Cuban
This book provides insider knowledge of how to become a thriving entrepreneur at any age. By telling his own life experience, Cuban presents an unconventional and yet effective way of building a successful business empire at any stage of your career.
College is a bubble and whatever institution you choose to study, there are high chances that your life will be based around same lecture halls, bars, and people. Reading is probably the best way to get out of the bubble to think about a wider world out there. Visit here for more information about college degrees.
Dixie Somers is a freelance writer. Find Dixie on Facebook.