by Piers Golden
Learning to speak another language is a challenge, but having to apply it to an academic essay is overwhelming on a whole other level. If you are currently learning english and wish to write college level essays, there are useful phrases to include which will help your writing stand strong amongst other native english speakers. Below is a list of 15 phrases to help you learn how to write an essay like you’ve been speaking english all your life:
1. The objective of this...
Every essay includes an introductory paragraph where the purpose of the essay is clearly laid out. Use this phrase to introduce your topic.
2. On the other hand,
When comparing between two arguments, this phrase provides a professional transition from one idea to the next.
3. As a result,
Along with the phrases therefore, consequently and accordingly, this is can be used to indicate a cause and effect relationship. You are revealing the consequence of something that can occur.
4. For example,
As the phrase clearly suggests, this is used to provide an example to help highlight your argument. Without examples, your argument has no valid evidence to persuade the reader.
5. It can be assumed…
Opposite to the above point, this phrase should be applied when you have no proof to support an argument. It is solely your opinion based on interpretation of available theories.
6. According to…
In an academic essay, you will often source a professional. To introduce their views on the subject, this phrase is great to use at the beginning of the sentence.
7. Despite this…
It is important to outline the counter-argument in an essay to show the reader you have considered all sides before choosing your own. After disclosing the opposition evidence, you can use this phrase to bring the reader back to your side.
8. What’s more,
A creative way to use also, furthermore or additionally. When you have other points to add in a paragraph, this phrase helps to start a new sentence with additional information.
9. In other words,
As a non-english speaker, you can understand the importance of needing something explained again. This is also used in essay writing. When a quote is stated and not easily understood by an average reader, you can explain it in easier terms again using this phrase.
10. Clearly shows…
Used to emphasize your bold claim in the argument and persuade the reader to see how apparent the evidence is to support this.
11. A closer look at the data…
If there is numerical evidence to support your argument, such as an estimate of people or money value, you can present the data in this formal way.
12. First, secondly, thirdly…
All of the above words can be used consecutively to illustrate several points in one paragraph. Since it is not advised to use bullet points in a paragraph, these sentence starters can be a clever way to include a list.
13. Above all,
There is always one piece of important information to point out to your reader “above all” else. Place this phrase before delivering the best information you have and you will successfully grab your reader’s attention.
14. In my experience,
Although conclusive evidence is recommended, you can use this phrase to highlight your own personal experience.
15. All things considered,
A concluding paragraph is all about summarizing the main points of your essay. This phrase will wrap up your essay in a nice, clear way.
Your essay does not have to be restricted to the above phrases; there are alternatives that mean the same and are equally effective. However, these will give you an excellent start to improve your english writing skills and impress your fellow readers.
Piers Golden is a freelance blogger who has been writing professionally since 2013. Find Piers on Facebook.